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Open call: ARE x The Overkill Residency

Artist Residencies Enschede (ARE) welcomes applications from artists from all over the world to participate in a three-month art residency in collaboration with The Overkill in Enschede (NL).

Application deadline: 26-07-2024 11pm CET (UTC/GMT +2)

Who qualifies?

The Overkill in collaboration with ARE is looking for a playful artist reflecting on the role of play in an activist environment and within digital culture, fitting the theme of this year festival “Radical-Joy-Resistance”. The organizations are looking for an artist or a game maker using its medium to support movements of resistance. May it be very specific and applied to a cause or in a broad sense and linked to research.

What will you get?

The selected artists will work closely with the team of curators of The Overkill festival, Marie Janin, Aike Lütkemöller, Zuraida Buter and Erik Peters.

The Project will be showcased at The Overkill festival in November. The artist is expected to join the festival as much as possible and in multiple ways with extra possibilities to host workshops, give a talk, participate in LARPs etc.

This project includes:
- The regular ARE facilities. For more information about Artist Residencies Enschede see their FAQ page and www.areholland.com.
- An ARE Grant of €1500 for material, exhibition, and project costs for this artist-in-residence project.
- An additional fee will be available from The Overkill, depending on the proposal as well as a small production fee for the project to be presented at the festival.

Please note: Travel costs and living expenses are not covered by ARE or The Overkill.

How to apply

To apply, submit an application form in English on the website of ARE, together with current work samples and a project proposal. ARE is an artist-in-residence for international artists, the call is therefore not open to artists residing in the Netherlands.

Additional information

More info about The Overkill: www.theoverkill.nl (soon new website will be online)

Residency: September 12 to December 6, 2024
The Overkill festival: November 20 to 24, 2024

Photos by Tessa Wiegerinck


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