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Hanna Jansen


Fotografie, Digitale media

06 36137680


Hanna Jansen (b. 1992) is a Dutch fine art photographer, that developed a passion for imagery early on in her life. In her staged photographic series, she investigates the human condition within our modern-day, Western society. Her photographs often emphasize the vulnerable nature of the human figure and her work reflects on a variety of universal human experiences such as growing up and forming relationships. The work is surprising in it’s visual form and tends to reference well-known concepts in imagery.She works within a professional studio environment and puts a lot of emphasis on the technical execution of her work. This results in intimate portraits of ‘real’ people within artificial environments. The overly stylised and digitally altered nature of the dominant, commercial imagery meets the honest vulnerability of our shared human condition. This combination serves as a metaphor for a common conflict within our present-day lives.


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