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Stationsplein 1


Sickhouse is The Interdisciplinary Creative Lab open to develop and support experimental, interactive, fun researches around the theme of our festival, The Overkill!

@ Sickhouse you’ll find Art (a lot of interactivity), Games (Indies, VR, AR…), creative thinking, films (alternative screenings), music (especially 8 bits and Modular synthesiser craziness)…

On our website you will find info, events, ideas, tips, the whole year through. Don’t hesitate to visit us (on appointment or at special events!) or contact us!

Sickhouse, Atomic playground
Since the beginning of June Sickhouse is open for a limited amount of visitors on specific dates. You need a reservation to come by, follow the info on our website and social media page.
Our operation room/workspace is now open on Tuesdays and Fridays to welcome creative freelancers from 12:00 to 17:30.


De volledige kunstagenda van Enschede e.o. met openingen, exposities, lezingen etc.

Kunstcollectie Enschede

Bekijk de binnen en buitenkunstcollectie van de gemeente Enschede

Schrijf je in voor de KunstNonStop nieuwsbrief

Boordevol tips uit de kunstagenda, nieuws en informatie voor voor kunstenaars en kunstliefhebbers in Enschede e.o!