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Workshop Zine-Making


Start:13-03-2025 | 20:00 uur
Eind:13-03-2025 | 22:00 uur

Locatie:Deurningerstraat 28

About the workshop

Are you a zine maker or would you like to know how to make zines yourself? Or would you like to know what exactly is a zine? Join us and find out with the COWMAG zine-making workshop on the 13th of March!

The workshop will be organised by Jip Huisintveld who will provide a small lecture on the art and history of zines, following up with a hands-on zine making exercise.


COWMAG is a publication created out of necessity, bringing starting and studying artists together as an independent platform with a focus on local artistic practices and cultural themes. We facilitate a space for artists to communicate not only their work but also the ideas, processes, and theories which affected their proces. Through the medium of print and publication, COWMAG explores methods of communication and facilitates space for collaboration. We connect artists, placing them in dialogue to reflect on their work through each other’s perspectives and critical engagement.

Deurningerstraat 28
7514 BJ

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