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Workshop Facial Robotics & Perceptions

Start:27-07-2023 | 09:00 uur
Eind:27-07-2023 | 17:00 uur


Join us for the facial robotics workshop, June 27th at the University of Twente. Sign up here.

The goal of the workshop will be to create soft robotic masks and facial prosthesis that warp the perception of performers' facial identity. For this workshop we are looking to bring together participants from different backgrounds in order to experiment with how to use wearable prosthetics to play with the perception of the face - including performers from theatre and dance, perception researchers and artists. After a morning of making prosthetics we will move on to the darkened theatre space and try out performative ideas, and at the end reflect on the perceptual experiences we have created.

The workshop will go roughly from 9-17h, with a draft schedule below. It's fine if you are only able to attend for part of the day, just please let us know your plans.

We look forward to working with you!

Lot van der Galien, Jonathan Reus & Edwin Dertien (workshop organisers)

(image: third eye noh mask by Kazuhiro Yamamoto)


9:00 participants arrive / workshop start
9:15 introduction presentation
9:30 sketching / building of facial prosthetics/masks
12:30 lunch
13:30 finishing up masks
14:30 performance experiments in the theater space
16:30 evaluation & wrap up
17:00 done

7522 NM

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