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We Made a Tape!

Start:09-07-2022 | 16:00 uur
Eind:09-07-2022 | 23:30 uur


We made a tape with a part of our music family! And it will be out just before the summer for you to take on the road! With the participation of MOViKCA- CHEBEDAJHA- JUNGLE OF WiRES- ACHEFACE- JACQNOiSE & MiCHAEL FiEDLER- JACK FRESiA- PATRiCK JONKMAN- DAN GRAVEYARD- GOODCOOPERBADCOOPER

We are very proud to share this with you and we are celebrating modular style! Sonic DIY is back with the participants of the tape and more! In the afternoon collective, Jam session on the terrace, Feel free to bring your material and cables. (With Nicolas Soundforce, Jack Fresia more to be announced)

In the evening, we'll celebrate with live sets from the tape and from special guests! Line up to be announced shortly.

  • Entrance : 5,55€ (party only) TICKETS // 12,12€ (party + tape) TICKETS. We will also sell a very few Sickhouse collector tape players.
  • Times : 16.00 to 00.00
  • With live set and Jam from Nicolas Soundforce, Jack Fresia, Jacq Moise & Daan Graveyard together, Patrick Jonkman (more tba)

7511 JD

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