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“Wasting Time”

Exposanten: Ana Garcia, Liz Stübler, Paula Warkotsch, Zoe Zimmer, Lily Allmer, Nefeli Stavrou, Tagea Niss

Start:22-06-2022 | 12:30 uur
Eind:22-07-2022 | 17:00 uur

Locatie:Fotogalerie Objektief

Fotogalerie Objektief nodigt u uit voor een tentoonstelling met werk van eerstejaars studenten van de opleiding ‘Crossmedia Design’ van de Academie voor Art & Design AKI. De officiële opening zal plaatsvinden op zondag 19 juni 2022 om 16.00 uur. U bent van harte welkom.

“Wasting Time
When you order online, you skip the shopping
When you eat readymade meals, you skip the cooking
When you go all-inclusive, you skip the exploration
When you listen to audiobooks, you skip turning the pages
When you’re not cooking, you will miss all the fun

In my opinion the so called ‘promised efficiency’ in above mentioned cases isn’t bringing us any profit but is merely resulting into an impoverishment of our experience.

Those promises more often result in us spending more time in front of our screens which is only in favour of the big tech companies who made our undivided online attention their product.

I strongly feel that we need to slow down. To become idle. To learn how to waste time again. To reflect on our decisions and to learn to appreciate the outcome.

In my classes I try to make the students understand the value and also the power of the slow analogue process. A process in which every mistake means that you have to start over again. There is no ‘return-button’. You are forced to think about your next move because each decision means an irreversible result.

It means you have to slow down.

The exhibition shows the result of the concentration, time and effort that was put into the assignments and the beauty that came out of it.”

Ana Garcia, Liz Stübler, Paula Warkotsch, Zoe Zimmer, Lily Allmer, Nefeli Stavrou, Tagea Niss

Bert Teunissen

Fotogalerie Objektief
7511 GE
Tel: 053 4322507

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