Walking New York City
B93 Carte Blanche expositie van april door Marlene Mahn.
Start:10-04-2024 | 20:00 uur
Eind:21-04-2024 | 17:00 uur
Opening: 10.04.2024 20:00-22:00
Na de opening kan de expositie nog t/m 21 april bezocht worden op afspraak. Stuur een mail met voorkeurs datum en tijd naar Marlene via mahn.marlene@gmail.com
Lively streets, vibrant colors against grey and cold concrete, diverse people and cultures.
This is what I saw on my many photowalks while I spent three months in New York City from October 2023 until January 2024. The city is a place like no other, so during my first-ever visit, it captivated me. I wanted to return ever since, and then after a while I finally did. From early autumn up until the middle of winter I was able to capture a wide collection of images with my Canon A-1 and 35mm film.
New York is a place that inspires me immensely and not only gave me the chance to expand on my street photography, which is now my main focus, but also on my personal style. All of the photos in this exhibition are exclusively shot on color film. I love photographing analog because it creates a feeling and aesthetic that nothing else can recreate, and besides giving the city a certain charm, it also portrays how I see it through my own eyes: Contrasty, vibrant, a city with both perfection and imperfection.
From Central Park to Coney Island, and everything in between. I visited places all over the city, some of them becoming my favorite photo spots over time, taking up noticeably more space inside this body of work. With a focus on nostalgia, colors, and capturing everyday life, this exhibit shows selected best work from my time spent in the city.
Stichting B93
7511 ZE