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tentoonstelling van: Timofej Kratz


Locatie:Villa de Bank

Opening: Zaterdag 5 november 16.00u - 18.00u

Openingstijden: woensdag t/m zaterdag 14.00u -17.00u

Timofej Kratz

Timofej Kratz’s artistic practice encompasses large-format abstract paintings on various materials, such as canvas, transparent stretch film and metal plates.
The premise of his work is fundamentally based upon the intuitive process of painting, while the images arise spontaneously and playfully in the foundation.

The use of the spray can, allows Kratz to manifest unique, expressive gestures directly and promptly, whilst simultaneously presents an opportunity to place
forms precisely within the pictorial space. Whereas the performative painting process requires the use of the entire body.

Furthermore, the title of the exhibition Vaporwave, highlights the process of creating his airy spray paintings. Additionally, it refers to the ‘vaporwave’ music genre, which emerged in early 2010 as an internet phenomenon. Moreover, this style of music is influenced by technology, consumer culture, design, and pop culture of the 1980s and 1990s. Vaporwave music offers people a special sense of nostalgia, whereby the listener is transported back to a past event, which wasn’t necessarily experienced first-hand.

Paintings can work in a similar way whereby occasionally; a memory can inspire or be the starting point for a new work. Thereby, through the painting process, the memory or catalyst is then transformed into something new and independent.

Villa de Bank
7511 CM

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