The Overkill Festival - Collective Masquerade
Locatie:Warp Technopolis
Mark your calendar for the 26 November to 5 December 2021 and come celebrate 10 years of the Overkill Festival with us.This year's festival will be online AND IN PERSON at Warp Technopolis.
The Overkill is an arts and gaming festival focused on the impact of digital culture on our society. The festival showcases a selection of interactive and participative art installations, indie games, and presents an alternative film program, experimental live performances and activities such as workshops, network meetups… Within the festival we also host a symposium, talks and interviews to dive into the works and the subject.
Welcome to the celebration of fluid beings, where you can explore and reinvent who you are and who you want to be as an individual and as a collective. The Overkill Collective Masquerade is an invitation to embrace your hidden sides or extravagant fantasies and transform yourself. Take a mask, meet others, challenge each other and play together. The games, artworks, filters, narratives, workshops presented at the festival will take you in the exploration of your layered (digital)identity(ies).
Stationsplein 1
7511 JD