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SPACECAST Space Exploration

Start:10-07-2021 | 20:00 uur
Eind:10-07-2021 | 23:30 uur


Spacecast is back, this time we're going to explore space! This show is all about the universe, space travel, and astronauts, but also has a touch of 'physical' and 'mental' space, like having space and freedom to develop as an artist.

Spacecast is a liveshow that came into existence during corona time. Our aim is to create more visibility for Enschede's creative scene and create understanding and connection with a broad audience. The live show involves the audience, is interactive and entertaining. Join us physically in Wilminktheater!

During the show you can sit together in groups and grab a drink from the bar whenever you want! Let's make it fun!

On the program are:

Andrea Tosti, spend 1 year in Isolation at the Concordia Station in Antarctica for the ESA Moon Mission.

Daniela de Paulis, a trans-disciplinary artist, a licensed radio operator, and a radio telescope operator.

Joep Wiertz takes us on a trip through old-school television show introductions. Back when they were crazy and trippy.

Spacecat Mowgli will steal the show with Guss&Puss.

More space people TBA!


BORG has been a DJ already for 25 years! Expect Atmospheric Space Sounds!

7511 PH

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