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Start:18-02-2023 | 13:00 uur
Eind:18-02-2023 | 14:00 uur


Sickhouse & The FemDem join forces to support females who have the ambition to DJ! On Saturday the 18th of Feb we will help you make your first moves behind the decks. We invited Amp Feminine collective over for a DJ workshop, a screening of their docu " EQ the industry" a talk with Deborah X and Gill Bollegraf, moderated by Simone Dekker and an open dek!
The registration for the workshop are closed, but joining the screening, the talk and the open dek is open for everyone. The screening starts at 14.30.

The Fem Dem and Sickhouse are looking into bringing more guests to make this event a regular one, where womxn can meet, share and play together.

7511 JD

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