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SICK re-Opening

Start:29-02-2020 | 12:00 uur
Eind:01-03-2020 | 23:30 uur


After 2 years in the empty hospital (how cool was that!!) we moved to our next location for our new adventures. We are super happy to celebrate our second anniversary and re-opening with you all on the 29th of February!

***29-02-2020 ***

12:00 to late

Sick Re-opening Program
To play with, look and try the whole afternoon:
- Modular synthesizer try out from Nicolas SoundForce
- Plunger stuck target set version Du Champ from Hans Runge
- Tekno Controller from ActoDisko
- Installation from Elise Leusink
- The Stories we tell ourselves from Samantha Valenzuela, Aart Odding and Yoann Latzer
- video art work from Mike Pelletier
- video art work from Wouter Olthof & Anne Eugelink

In blocks of 30 minutes over the day :
- Short movies selections (the top of the last festival editions + the newest findings of Frank Schonewille)

- Games: VR- retro- Indies-board games

- Music from 15:00 to late
Domino Riot - Patrick Jonkman - Oleksii Spitsyn & AlexanderShanov - David Scheidler - T LAB (Edenfranz & Hristof) - Wisefire - Philipp Wiynck - Lisa Lareine
With visuals from Gijs van Ouwerkerk & CARO


With workshops, demos, short-films, games, interactive art and videos, music, the day and night program is coming together nicely! Discover the new space and the challenging program of Sickhouse for 2020!

We also need your support ;)

Moving to this new location also means for us a bigger space and a bigger costs so this party is also meant to support Sickhouse rent with all your love and money!

€€€ Entrance €6 €€€

We want to discover your talents?

If you have a talent and you want to share it at the opening (or later this year) let us know! We love chiptune aerobics karaoke games, experimental battle lectures, critical emoji championships...

Stationsplein 1
7511 JD

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