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Start:28-02-2025 | 18:00 uur
Eind:28-02-2025 | 22:00 uur

Locatie:Hoge Bothofstraat 31F, 7511 ZA Enschede

About the event

Sickhouse is becoming seven! Starting out as the research program for the Overkill Festival in November, Sickhouse has now become a known name by itself, in Enschede and beyond! We are extremely proud and happy to share the celebration with you, on the 28th of February, in complete Sickhouse style and fully according to the theme of this year; it’s a gigantic pillow fight!

Prepare your best pyjamas, sleep masks and cozy blankets for the PILLOW BRAWL TOURNAMENT! A playful pillow fight inspired by the classic fighting games in the videogame world. BlackBrick will be our fluffy fighting arena, where you will be taking against the other pillow-handling players for the win!
Of course there will be music, drinks and a moment to cheer on seven years more Sickhouse!

Practical information

Date: February 28
Starting time: 18:00
Location: BlackBrick, Hoge Bothofstraat 31, 7511 ZA Enschede

Hoge Bothofstraat 31
7511 ZA

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