QAQS - Looks like a man, but are they?
Start:02-11-2021 | 20:00 uur
Eind:02-11-2021 | 22:00 uur
Locatie:De Museumfabriek
From a suppressive environment in Lebanon they fled to a liberating new life in Amsterdam.
Asylum seeker Rashad Sayadi will discuss the difference between biological sex, gender identity, gender expression and attraction. They will explain the definition of queer and how it is the umbrella of sexuality and gender. Rashad will also discuss how parents can offer a safe zone for their LGBTQI children to talk about how they feel.
Toegang gratis.
QAQS respecteert de coronamaatregelen: opgeven voor de lezing via: nijhof-woudstra@hetnet.nl Wees er snel bij!
Het Rozendaal 21
7523 ZR