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Planetart Archive Battle

Start:04-02-2022 | 19:00 uur
Eind:04-02-2022 | 22:00 uur


In 2022 we will dive deep into the rich history of PLANETART and go all the way back to 1979 to see all of PLANETART Creative Director Kees de Groot’s groundbreaking doings and beings.

From January until December ‘22, we will take you on a journey through all of the PLANETART archives. Prepare for a long trip past weird video installations, backyard parties in holes, and huge graffiti projects of artists that now travel the world. Make sure to follow PLANETART on Instagramto see all the amazing flashbacks.

On Friday the 4th of February we host the PLANETART ARCHIVE BATTLE. The Archive Battle is an informative and entertaining quiz show based on the Dutch television show 'Ren je Rot' about PLANETART and Kees de Groot. Do you know how many chevy's Kees had or in what year GOGBOT projected p*rn on the church? Yeah, right! Join us online, learn all about PLANETART's fascinating history and win crazy prizes!

Check the events calendar on our website for more information.

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