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Opening: Museum of the Future

Start:01-04-2022 | 19:00 uur
Eind:01-04-2022 | 22:00 uur

Locatie:Warp Technopolis

PLANETART's ambitious new project Museum of the Future will be launched into orbit on Friday the 1st of April. Get a glimpse of the future and experience the effect of innovations on our society through the artist's eyes.

The Museum of the Future is located on the ground, 1st and 2nd floor of WARP Technopolis at Stationsplein 1A, and provides you with a captivating program all year round.

Floris Kaayk with NEXT SPACE REBELS

Develop from a naive rocket hobbyist into an experienced space activist by designing, building, and launching rockets of increasing complexity. Reach your goal of establishing a new alternative and independent internet by launching your own satellites into space. In this sense, the installation is an activist statement about the democratization of space and the current status of the Internet. SPACE IS FOR EVERYONE.

WARP Technopolis
7511 JD

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