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Nikos Katsampanis

Project Myucyx : Apoliti Alithia 1.21


Locatie:Villa de Bank

Nikos Katsampanis
Project Myucyx : Apoliti Alithia 1.21

This new series of work, let’s call it Project Myucyx for the time being, aims to the creation of a fictional cosmos with mythological aspects, the elements of which are intended to be symbolic / allegorical representations of psychology / human behaviour thematics. My greatest ambition for this artistic gesture is to spark an internal dialog within the viewer’s mind. I am interested in exploring subjects that revolve around humanity and the human experience. Those topics are relevant from our first steps as homo sapiens until the current era of information and superb technological advancements, and probably as long as humanity is / will be. Thus I juxtapose mediums, aesthetics, materials, and techniques from the spectrum of human time. This cosmos is usually exhibited through a multidisciplinary process that includes, text, sculpture, painting, 3D Renders, readymades, and more.

Opening: Zaterdag 10 september 16.00u - 18.00u
De tentoonstelling is van 10 september t/m 22 oktober 2022
Openingstijden: woensdag t/m zaterdag 14.00u -17.00u

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