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Start:10-06-2022 | 19:30 uur
Eind:10-06-2022 | 23:30 uur


MuSiCK MIX is a part of our new music program bringing experimental sound, visual artists and performers to the stage of Sickhouse. This program is brought together with Sound Unbound and a collaboration with Tankstation. MuSiCK MIX is a night to discover new performers, dance, celebrate and enjoy live music.

MuSiCK MIX #01 with Rizomagic - Stephen Paul Taylor - Kid Be Kid - GDVRGDVR

  • Rizomagic : The Latin American duo Edgar Marún & Diego Manrique offers an extravagant sound of electronic music and folkloric sounds. video

  • Stephen Paul Taylor: Glitter, glam and good vibes from the heart of Berlin! video

  • KID BE KID : She embodies coolness and vulnerability, structure and freedom, hip hop and jazz equally and makes everything in the room come alive. video

  • GDVRGDVR : In GDVRGDVR we trust :) video

Entrance : 5.55€ TICKETS HERE

Stationsplein 1
7511 JD

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