Modular Meet up
Start:17-10-2020 | 14:00 uur
Eind:17-10-2020 | 22:00 uur
Modular Meet up for fans, curious, makers or not. with beer, Pizza and lots of cool people! \
There is room for all things modular.
- Bring your synth in for a jam.
- Bring your Diy project to work on (maybe there is somebody to help you with that pesky problem you've been having).
- Trade modules.
- Nerd talk with other Modular people.
-Have a drink and talk about weird patching ideas.
- Or not.. do what you want.
This session is hosted together with Gert-jan Bos.
You need a reservation to be able to join. We have 30 spots available!
7511 JD