Mobile Lighter
Perron 1 - Projectruimte voor installaties
Locatie:Stationsweg 1/5, 7491 CE Delden
Over de expositie
With the development of technology, the labor and time to obtain the final results when the users use products/tools is decreasing. For example, you don't have to remember your friend's phone number and dial it. All it takes is a few touches. This means that the distance between the user and the end result is getting more and more closer.
But at the same time, I think we're losing something. I am interested in increasing the number of steps in the means of use as a way to provide more emphasis on the process, rather than on the end result.
The more steps there are to get to the final result, the more inconvenient we perceive it to be. This is because it requires more labor and time. Here I want to ask, is inconvenience not needed? I explore the value that can be gained through inconvenience.
Sihyeon Park (1987), South Korea
Praktische informatie
Stationsweg 1/5, 7491 CE Delden
Uitsluitend van buitenaf te bezichtigen.
Stationsweg 1
7491 CE
Tel: 06-14268299