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Tuğçe Diri



ARE artist-in-residence Tuğçe Diri is an artist from Turkey. She investigates the cultural values ​​that depend on the geography in which she lives. She pays attention to meticulous handicraft, its effort and productivity and questions cultural similarities in the context of applied arts.

Opening: Thursday March 3 at between 5 PM
Live drawing: Thursday March 10

'In my drawing-paintings and fabric works, I describe the cumulative effects of this time and what it has accumulated, through the transformation of images of accumulated garbage/waste. Using materials such as pencil, charcoal, graphite and colored pencils, ink, oil and acrylic paints, fabric, I make large-scale drawing-paintings with gestures. At first glance, the visual evoking any representation of nature is the abstracted and transformed traces of garbage heaps stacked on top of each other.' Tuğçe Diri

7522 NM

Kunstcollectie Enschede

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