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Knitting Workshop @ TANKSTATION - Part 4

Start:14-06-2022 | 19:00 uur
Eind:14-06-2022 | 21:00 uur


The fourth, and last session of the knitting series!Miriam, our experienced knitter, will be there to teach you a variety of patterns and techniques!Your previous knitting experience does not matter! You can join as a complete beginner and get some starting tips, or you can come in as an experienced knitter to learn advanced techniques and perfect your skills.

Date: 14 June
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Price: 3 €

You can reserve your space please sign up by paying via the link below:

Or you can pay cash in Tankstation.

If you'd also like to grab some food in Tankstation, let us know by reserving your plate on the website: https://tankstationenschede.nl/reservation/

This helps us calculate how much food to prepare

Tankstation Cultureel Vulpunt
7514 BJ

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