House of $ick
Start:06-11-2021 | 19:00 uur
Eind:06-11-2021 | 23:30 uur
For the Museumnacht Sickhouse opens its doors with a live fashion show of shadows. The visitors are invited to make the most extravagant designs out of cardboard ( and more ) and walk the runway. With a workshop station to customise your look, live music and VJ's and of course the catwalk, Sickhouse is ready to welcome the new designers of the night.
- Music & Bar
- Sickhouse DJ's & a special new Cocktail
- Cinema Obscura
- Children of the Night...
The museum night is a collaboration of cultural spaces of Enschede, celebrating the night and transforming their spaces for the darkness. Expect feministic museum tour, sound and light performances, music, coktails and much more...
MUSEUM NACHT TICKETS 15€ with access to all locations : Warp Technopolis - RMT - Museum Fabriek - Concordia - Metropool - Tetem - wilmink theater - performance factory - artez conservatorium - aki ArtEz - Drukpershal - Kaliber kunstschool - twentehoes
Stationsplein 1
7511 JD