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From solarpunk to metaf*ck


Locatie:WARP Tecnopolis

75 artists, 6 xpo's
75 DJs, 3 club nights
1 future

The world is on fire Climate catastrophes, economic crises, wars, extreme polarization and environmental disasters - predicted for decades by scientists, freethinkers and artists - are increasingly manifesting in the here and now. Shit is real, yo! Denial is no longer an option!

The role that technology plays in the cause and solution of the major climatic, sociological and economic problems of the 21st century is becoming an increasingly urgent conversation. The survival of humanity and future memes are at stake Even the status quo of metaversed tec billionaire CEOs and corruptable politicians is finally starting to realize that something needs to change in our attitude towards the future of planet earth; a future, if it were up to them, conceived and designed by the status quo themselves... say what, now!? A more decentralised structure like the anti-capitalist, pro-technology Solarpunk/Ecopunk movement might be a better alternative to being a slave to Big Tec

GOGBOT asks: who has the power when it comes to shaping the future? And what do we want to change about this distribution of power? Can the world still be saved, or are we metaf*cked!?

In these hectic times of constant (dis)information and brainless entertainment overload, our future is too often presented in a simplified way, either extremely dystopian or naively utopian. Obviously, we all need to distance ourselves from these indiscriminate narratives from time to time, so that we can rest and recover before resuming the fight for a truly better world. At such trying times, the philosophies of our great leader Doge offer solace as we ironically exclaim: "yet another careless Silicon Valley meets Hollywood image of the future ... so future! much likes! very google! many technology! such consumer!"

Zie website voor programma's en locaties

September 8 - 11 | Enschede, NL
official opening: Thursday September 8 | 20.00 @ Stationsplein, Enschede

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