Game Night
Start:09-10-2020 | 17:30 uur
Eind:09-10-2020 | 20:00 uur
Game night of the month
with indie's, VR, multiplayer and retro to (re)discover!
** Among US **
- set up for 4 players -
Join your crewmates in a multiplayer game of teamwork and betrayal!
You attempt to hold your spaceship together and return back to civilization. But beware...as there may be an alien impostor aboard!
** Spooky station **
Spooky Station is a game pack filled with 9 ghostly games of all types. From an arena-brawler to a rogue-like, from a text-adventure to a shoot 'em up, this bundle is certain to spook your socks off!
** Go, Go, Radzilla! **
A simple game about destroying a city with your radioactive powers. It is played with two buttons (Z and X)
** 50 SHORT GAMES **
A collection of 50 SHORT GAMES designed by Thecatamites of Harmony World to amuse and instruct.
** Hammer dongers **
- In the cinema -
An up to 4 player party game with destroyable terrain!
Surprise VR (like always

** Entrance €2,22 **
reservation online
7511 JD