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Bona : Screening, program curated by Nkhensani Mkhari

Start:17-06-2022 | 19:30 uur
Eind:17-06-2022 | 23:30 uur


The program of this screening is born out of the Misava collaboration between Sickhouse and Nkhensani Mkhari (Masiva Exhibition, The Overkill 2021).

The thematic is open ended, focused on the intersection between cinema and video art, consumption and class in the economy of images from Africa and the diaspora. The show will create a space where audiences gather to enjoy a meal based on a recipe from each artist's background and an evening of time-based art and conversation around the screenings.

The screening features several video artists namely (full program will be announced shortly): Manuel Arturo Abrue DB Amorin Tamara Shogaulo Natalie Paneng Ketumile Malesa Magolide Collective

Entrance : 7.77€ // 12.22€ (with dinner)

Stationsplein 1
7511 JD

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