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Expo 'May Every Ordinary Day Be Blessed'

B93 Carte Blanche expo van EIulia Paraipan, Yutong (Taco) Huo, Arjun Viir Bhandari en Birgitta Sveinsdottir bij kunstenaarsinitiatief B93



In de maand september wordt de Carte Blanche bij B93 ingevuld door de kunstenaars EIulia Paraipan, Yutong (Taco) Huo, Arjun Viir Bhandari en Birgitta Sveinsdottir. Lees hieronder meer over het thema van hun tentoonstelling.

Opening: woensdag 11 september van 20:00 tot 22:00

Na de opening is de tentoonstelling nog t/m 22 september op afspraak te bezoeken. Neem voor het maken van een afspraak contact op met carteblanche@b93.nl.

Over de expo:
‘May Every Ordinary Day Be Blessed’, is an exhibition that unveils the hidden beauty within everyday life. Through a diverse array of paintings, textiles, and mixed media works, the exhibition explores the deep connections between the sacred and the mundane. Visitors will experience how the artists interpret ordinary moments, transforming them into extraordinary visual narratives. Each piece on display offers a unique perspective, drawing from personal experiences, cultural stories, and spiritual reflections.

The exhibition invites viewers to find meaning in the overlooked details of daily life, encouraging a renewed appreciation for the world around them.




Hoge Bothofstraat 166
7511 ZE

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