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Exploration Mode _ Simulacra

Start:17-06-2021 | 20:00 uur
Eind:17-06-2021 | 22:30 uur

Locatie:Sickhouse / YouTube

Since more and more meetings, events and exhibitions are hosted online, there are an increasing number of virtual spaces created and more and more softwares and tools developed to create them. Curious of what happens with these spaces when events are over, exhibition closed or tools left for new creators, Zuraida and Marie navigate the web looking for the most surprising, challenging or original spaces to explore together.

Today we are exploring virtual spaces that copied physical ones. We will compare the physical to the virtual version especially looking for stairs, lifts in between spaces ...

You can follow the video stream on Youtube, use the chat to communicate with the 2 playful curators and join them in the exploration.

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