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Exploration Mode, Planet LEV. underwater

Online event

Start:21-01-2021 | 20:00 uur
Eind:21-01-2021 | 21:30 uur


Zuraida Buter, founder of Zo-ii and Marie Janin, co-director of Sickhouse are meeting online to explore virtual spaces.
Since more and more meetings, events and exhibitions are hosted online, there are an increasing number of virtual spaces created and more and more softwares and tools developed to create them. Curious of what happens with these spaces when events are over, exhibition closed or tools left for new creators, Zuraida and Marie navigate the web looking for the most surprising, challenging or original spaces to explore together.
You can follow the video stream and use the chat to communicate with the 2 playful curators but most of the time you can also join them in the exploration in the chosen space itself. (The link is shared under the video stream).PLANET LEV MataderoOn this exploration we will dive into the Planet LEV Matadero, an immersive stage, created by Children of cyberspace for the LEV festival online.
"The dream like universe host animated sculptures with sound installations, as well as concerts and live audio visual performances of artists from all around the world."
https://levfestival.com/20/en/planet-lev-matadero-app/Zo-ii is a playful culture organisation that curates, consults and documents events focused on games, design and play.
Rooted in maker culture Zo-ii believes in bringing people together for creation, inspiration, creativity and playfulness. Zo-ii is organising game jams, running workshops and curating festivals to explore the boundaries of play and technology together with professionals and different audiences.
www.zo-ii.comSickhouse is a cultural and playful art space in Enschede and online, focusing on the impact of digital cultures on our society. Through mediums such as interactive art, games, films or experimental music, Sickhouse wants to bring disciplines together and challenge its visitors with a participative program.
The program of Sickhouse is an open research based on gaming and playfulness. The results are presented in the shape of a festival at the end of the year at The Overkill.

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