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Start:23-06-2022 | 22:00 uur
Eind:24-06-2022 | 23:00 uur


Dawn of a New World intends to take you to another place; a vast place of moving sound, deep bass and brightening atmospheres, away from the nihilism of everyday life. It connects modern electronic (dance-)music with cinematic influences to create a dynamic and melodic experience. Its music has features of Odesza, Parra for Cuva, Jon Hopkins and Max Cooper in it. These sources of inspiration are at the base of a kind of music where the listener can be taken to another dimension.

This time Dawn of a New World returns to Sickhouse for an exclusive audiovisual live performance to take you on a 50-minute immersive trip. Live Dawn of a New World combines and loops his arrangements using percussion, drums, vocals and keys. Especially for this occasion the show will be supported by live projected visuals by the amazing Bas Arkes.

Entrance : 5.55€ TICKETS HERE
THURSDAY & FRIDAY 22:00 & 23:00

Stationsplein 1
7511 JD

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