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Dirk Reimes - Orbiter



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The exhibition features new works of Dirk Reimes (DE), developed and created during his residency at ARE Holland. It consists of a large-scale mixed-media work on paper, a photographic narration and a series of objects.

Each and every one of us is an orbiter, a tiny particle amongst others, dragged, pulled, pushed by manifold forces. We spin, we rush, we fly along our trajectories, day by day, night by night. Sometimes we collide, we crash. Sometimes we change course, sometimes we are urged to. But we always continue on another orbit, leaving marks, making signs, radiating heat of our fears and desires.

During his residency at ARE Holland Dirk Reimes followed the orbits of an observer mission, tracing and collecting images and artefacts. By transforming the findings of his daily walks into visual narratives - into drawings, photos and objects - Dirk Reimes tries to capture the one and many stories of life out there, woven by everyday loops on countless orbits.


7523 ZL

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