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D&D Banner Making Workshop

Start:14-04-2024 | 12:00 uur
Eind:14-04-2024 | 18:00 uur

Locatie:Tankstation Cultureel Vulpunt, Enschede

About the workshop

Sickhouse is collaborating with EnscheD&D to bring you a workshop full of fabric fun! EnscheD&D
organizes big TTRPG events in Enschede with amazing original stories. During the workshop you'll be making flags that will forever adorn the esteemed halls of the EnscheD&D meetings. During the workshop there will be a short introduction about banners and guidance from our team to help you with your creations. Bring any old fabrics, haberdashery, beads, old magazines, and other materials you have with you so we can create awesome banners together!

Practical information

Location : Tankstation Cultureel Vulpunt - Deurningerstraat 28, 7514 BJ Enschede
Times : 12:00 to 18:00
Please register through the following FORM.

Participation is free.

Deurningerstraat 28

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