Cinema Obscura - Halloween Film/Dancing Event
Start:29-10-2021 | 18:00 uur
Eind:29-10-2021 | 23:30 uur
Trick or Treat yo-self at the Sickhouse Halloween film and dancing event.
Grab your spookiest costumes or (make a costume at Sickhouse) and come for our Halloween (surprise) film event.
You can expect lots of boo-ze, spook-tacular costumes, a costume contest, a Halloween buffet, and a classic horror film in Cinema Obscura.
We will have make up, nail polish and accessories to make your own costume. And... the best costume wins a prize!
We will finish the night with drinks, music and dancing.
Entrance: 7,77€
Stationsplein 1
7511 JD