Carte Blanche
Ho Bin Kim & Santiago Colombo Migliorero
Start:12-03-2025 | 11:00 uur
Eind:22-03-2025 | 12:00 uur
Locatie:Hoge Bothofstraat 166
We nodigen u van harte uit voor de opening van de Carte Blanche tentoonstelling van maart, waar het werk van Ho Bin Kim and Santiago Colombo Migliorero centraal staat. Ho Bin en Santiago onderzochten in hun artist-in-residence bij Artist Residencies Enschede thema’s als identiteit, controle en chaos. Ho Bin laat zijn blik zien op hoe Aziatische identiteit wordt gevormd en verhandeld in de westerse kunstwereld, terwijl het werk van Santiago de wisselwerking tussen orde, chaos en vrije wil toont.
Over de kunstenaars
Ho Bin Kim - Asian Artist for Sale
In Asian Artist for Sale, Ho Bin Kim satirizes the Western art world’s romanticization and commodification of Asian identity. Presenting himself as a literal product for sale, Ho Bin critiques how Asian artists are expected to fit into marketable narratives shaped by colonial histories and Western fantasies. Alongside his own presence, he displays personal artifacts—passports, childhood objects like a Hello Kitty walkie-talkie—turning his life into a consumable spectacle. By exposing and exaggerating these mechanisms of fetishization, Ho Bin forces audiences to confront their complicity in the commodification of cultural identity.
Santiago Colombo Migliorero - Like a giant gumball
Like a giant gumball is an artistic project made by Santiago Colombo Migliorero during his residency at ARE. In this project, he explores ideas of determinism and free will in relation to chance, chaos, over-measurement, and the absurd. Chaos organizes itself, like things emerging from the ground, breathing. They rotate and orbit around themselves, between subtle and slow movements. Gestures and strokes that describe, influence, and are simultaneously influenced.
Praktisch informatie
Opening: 12.03.2025
Tijd: 20:00-22:00
Na de opening is de tentoonstelling te bezoeken op afspraak tot 22 maart. Om een bezoek in te plannen, stuur een e-mail naar hk1983@nyu.edu met je gewenste datum en tijd.
Hoge Bothofstraat 166
7511 ZE