Artshow Frida's Friday
Featured young talent Marijntje Roos Hijgenaar
Start:20-09-2024 | 19:00 uur
Eind:20-09-2024 | 21:30 uur
Locatie:FRIDA Book Café, Enschede
About the artshow
We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming art show, FRIDA's Friday, taking place on Friday 20 September 2024, from 19.00 to 21.00 at FRIDA Book Café, Enschede. This event is open to everyone, and we would be honored by your presence.
Practical information
- 19.15 Opening with a welcome speech by Gemma Boon, owner of FRIDA.
- 19.30 Artist talk with featured young talent Marijntje Roos Hijgenaar, a recent graduate of AKI Artez Art School.
- 19.45 Opening of the art show featuring the graduation artworks of Marijntje Roos Hijgenaar.
- 20.00 Guitar music by Just Hehenkamp, Singer Songwriter
- 20.30 Meet and greet with the artist, mingle and network.
This evening promises to be an enriching experience filled with art, music, and meaningful connections. We look forward to celebrating the vibrant talent of Marijntje Roos and enjoying an inspiring night with you.
FRIDA Book Café
7511 ES