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Start:14-06-2022 | 17:00 uur
Eind:14-06-2022 | 22:00 uur


Come by for a busy evening at Tankstation. Catch the art opening for local artist Moon Child, jump in with some Yoga, enjoy a delicious dinner (18:00), check out some amazing workshops, or just catch up with us at the bar!


Nicolai has been working with visual arts for almost 5 years now, he paints freely but often with a deep and already conceived idea.

“My idea is often a melancholic dream world, sometimes about death but also things that never die. To be immortalized. A make-believe world, a world when you were little, a kind childish spring. What this life should be I think.

But sometimes it passes by, especially with creative people who change often, who don’t really belong anywhere. The ‘moon child’ who has no real purpose in life, but lives in being. This is sometimes difficult for me and we are often removed from it by society and the system.

I see and feel that deep fragrant flower of innocence and love in my work.”

Don’t forget to make a reservation if you would like to eat dinner because, without a reservation, we can’t guarantee you food!
(You can also indicate you’d like a vegan option or let us know about any allergies in your reservation)

Tankstation Cultureel Vulpunt
7514 BJ

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