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Start:11-07-2020 | 12:00 uur
Eind:11-07-2020 | 20:00 uur


Claim one of the 30 corona adapted dance spots, and join the mini rave.
Each spot is 3 m2 where you can move freely and by yourself for the whole event!
You can come with your household, one friend or just by yourself.

We're back with a third edition of Anderhalf by T LAB.
After 2 sold out editions we are destined to keep this going!

For the first time we are planning a day edition, this means we want to make a more diverse line up with house and techno artists.After the 1st of July the Covid-19 measures are more relaxed, that means we can have more people inside!

The rules about the 1.5 m will still be the same and you and/or your group will have their own square, if you come as a group make sure your tickets are bought through one name.

Ticket sale starts directly, don't hesitate and join this weird adventure.

Stationsplein 1
7511 JD

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