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AKI Expo - Supra Load



With Andra Stoica & Nieke Nouws, Vera Mathijssen & Sanne Hofker, Alexander Zanen & Yamuna Schick, Iulia Paraipan & Theodor Cristache

Exhibition opens Sat 5-06 & Sun 6-06 & Fri 11-06, Sat 12-06, Sun 13-06 from 14.00 to 20.00

Supra Load is an exhibition curated by the students themselves and regrouping works reacting to a year of social distancing. "In a time of forced isolation, human interaction became an out of the ordinary experience; leaving us feeling overwhelmed and unsettled. Supra-load is a combination of the supra normal – the unsettling – and a sensory overload."

The group of artists is reflecting on the transformation of our social relationships, torn between the virtual and the physical world. Through their installations you are invited to rediscover the physicality of eerie feelings...

7511 JD

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